Discussion on Benefits of MOOCs
Invited by Associate Professor Yayoi Anzai, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan May 2019 

Discussion on Emerging Trends in Education with faculty members in Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland 10 April 2019 

Preconference Symposium, ELearn 2017, Vancouver, Canada
Virtual Panelist, MOOCs and Open Education in the Open World 16 October 2017 

MOOCs in Asia
Invited by Prof Curt Bonk, Indiana University for a postgraduate class of students, Bloomington, USA, 5 October, 2016 

MOOCs: A Conversation between Malaysia and Japan
Invited by Associate Professor Yayoi Anzai, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Kyushu, Japan, 2 December, 2016 

21st Century Learning: OERs, MOOCs and Open and Distance Learning
Invited by University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran for postgraduate students in education, 9 June 2014 Slides at: http://www.slideshare.net/zoraini/iran-webinar-9june2014zoraini 

MOOC on Mobile Learning at the Open University Malaysia
Invited by Professor George Siemens, Week of September 21, 2011 http://change.mooc.ca/week02.htm 

A Roadmap to Success in Becoming (World Class) Cyber Universities: Case Study from Open University Malaysia.
Keynote presentation to Chiang Mai andThai Cyber University Conference, 11 September 2009